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Industrial Chambers? Which are Important?

In the country and in Queretaro there are different chambers to which SMEs mainly affiliate, according to the activity to which they dedicate themselves.

Industrial chambers provide a series of services such as consultancy, event organization and training in which affiliates can participate. There are generally no restrictions on joining. In fact it’s very common that most of these chambers are composed of small and medium enterprises.

Here we present seven of the main chambers in Queretaro as well as the services and profiles of the companies that can be affiliated.

National Chamber of Commerce of Queretaro (CANACOPE)

  • Business management
  • Training
  • Update & Courses
  • Career opportunities
  • Counseling
  • Micro-companies of all categories

National Chamber of the Transformation Industry (CANACINTRA)

  • Represent the interests of its affiliates before the government of Mexico in its three differentiated levels; federal, state, municipal
  • Business development
  • Committees
  • Training
  • Events
  • Food, beverages, tobacco
  • Automotive Industry
  • Paper, cardboard & desk articles
  • Capital goods
  • Construction
  • Manufactures
  • Diverse industry
  • Technician industry
  • Metal industry
  • Mechanics
  • Furniture industry
  • Medical & chemistry industry
  • Green economy

Confederation of Employers of the Mexican Republic (COPARMEX)

  • Business training
  • Career opportunities
  • Staff pick
  • Business Alliance
  • Tax & Labor counseling
  • Any entrepreneur who works for Mexico regardless of specific turn in which he participates nor the size of the company

National Chamber of Restaurant & Food Industry (CANIRAC)

  • Legal support
  • Access to financing funds
  • Social & institutional communication
  • Insurance & protection marketing
  • Educational development
  • Institutional programs
  • Administrative support
  • Restaurants
  • Cafeterias
  • Banking company
  • Hotels

National Chamber of Commerce (CANACO)

  • Management
  • Training
  • Career opportunities
  • Advertising
  • Kindergarten
  • Counseling
  • Events
  • Companies of all the sectors that wish to affiliate

Industry Chamber of Radio & Television (CIRT)

  • Training
  • Courses
  • Legal advice
  • Radio & television stations

Mexican Chamber of Construction Industry (CMIC)

  • Representation & management
  • Training
  • Certification
  • Counseling
  • Valuation
  • Real Estate lawyers
  • Educational services
  • Career opportunities
  • Companies dedicated to construction

Belonging to an industrial chamber will bring benefits for your company since you can build business relationships, develop alliances and increase your customer sales.

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